Stickies & Organic Materials Characterization & Removal in the Paper Recycling Process - Awareness
Full course description
Course Overview
This short course offers a broad introduction to the subject of Stickies and Organic Materials Characterization and Removal in the Paper Recycling Processes. Discussions focus on the paper recycling process; sources of contaminants; Macro and micro stickies; primary and secondary stickies; measurement and quantification of stickies and challenges and opportunities. This course is designed for new engineers and new technicians in the pulp and paper and allied industries.
Learning Objectives
- Understand of the importance of recycling in the pulp and paper and allied industries.
- Understand the different types of stickies.
- Understand the removal of stickies at different unit operation such as re-pulping, screening, centrifugal cleaning and floatation deinking.
- Understand the challenges and opportunities in paper recycling